Meet Whitney
My introduction to massage came abruptly when I moved to North Carolina from Virginia and had to take some time off from my state university education until residency was determined. I floundered around and ended up enrolling at Miller Motte of Wilmington studying massage. Little did I know that program was going to influence the rest of my life. I ended up finishing both my BS from The University of North Carolina at Wilmington and my program for massage at Miller Motte at the same time in 2004. I immediately sat for the national and state boards, passed with an almost perfect score and began working at a private practice in Wilmington.
At the age of 24, I had discovered one of my greatest gifts, and every day since then, I am grateful. The ability to heal another person through the art of massage allows for something beautiful and intimate to occur between myself and another.
Since 2004 I have worked at a 5 star resort in Charleston, SC, spas around the local area, hotels, and as an independent therapist in a group office setting that I currently manage. I have attended multiple continuing education classes that have honed my expertise in different modalities that appealed to either myself or my regular clients. I currently am employed as a therapist for Lower Cape Fear Hospice and run a private practice on Wrightsville Avenue.